Buck Mountain Garden Club (BMGC)
Established 1981

PO Box 683
Earlysville, VA

Gardening Blog

Welcome to the BMGC Gardening Blog!

We’ll include things on here that you want to share – just with club members.  Any suggestions that you’d like to share with “the world”, we will put on the “Gardening Tips and Resources” page, which is public.

To get started, please enjoy the lecture notes from Master Gardener Fern Campbell’s Sept 2023 lecture on “Why Landscaping with Native Plants Matter”.  She asked that we keep this presentation on the Members-Only page, and so if you download or copy the presentation, please respect her wishes not to disseminate it further – it’s for “Club Reference Only!”

Part 1of 2 – Why Landscaping with Native Plants Matters
Part 2 of 2 – Why Landscaping with Native Plants Matters